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Preparing for Surgery


Please review all the information below.

  • 手术前的评估会安排几天给你 before the day of surgery. Please plan time to attend this appointment, 因为这是你在冰球突破平台准备手术的一个组成部分. The appointment takes approximately one and a half hours. 这是 option for some patients to have a telephone pre-op appointment.
  • 你会被要求在手术当天到达医院 two hours before your scheduled surgery time. Please arrange a ride to the hospital with a responsible adult to ensure you arrive on time.
  • 请在手术前准备好并冷冻好健康的食物,这样你就可以 做好准备. This will result in your energy conservation and promote optimal post-op rest time.
  • 放置常用物品,如止痛药、饮料、电话、 remote controls and assistive devices within reach.
  • 如果你一个人住,安排一个家庭成员或朋友和你住在一起 after you leave the hospital. It is best that they stay overnight with you.
  • 在每个电话旁边写上紧急电话号码,包括你的外科医生的 电话号码.
  • Make sure your home is well lit and free from tripping hazards.
  • Make arrangements for the care of your children and pets in advance.
  • 考虑制定高级医疗指令——这些都是法律文件 that help you get the treatment you wish. They allow you to give directions 如果你在精神上或身体上丧失能力,你未来的医疗护理 to choose or communicate your wishes. At your pre-op appointment, you will be asked if you have these items.
  • 生前遗嘱包含解释你的愿望的说明 health care should you have a terminal condition.
  • 医疗保健持久授权书可以让你指定一个人 decisions for you if you become unable to do so.

Pre-Op Assessment Appointment

预约当天,请到门诊签到 接待处. 你会得到一个震动警报装置,它会提醒你
to your turn while waiting in the reception area. This appointment will 大约需要一个半小时,因为有很多步骤需要完成. It is not necessary to fast for this appointment. 换句话说,就是吃 通常是在你的预约当天,除非另有通知.

During the pre-op appointment you will:

  • 与注册人员会面,核实保险,获得批准和 note any changes in insurance, address, phone number, etc.
  • 和术前护士见面,她会检查你的病史和用药情况, 确保所有的同意书都是正确的,并已签署,并给予你指示 手术当天什么时候到,用什么药 麻醉师想让你在手术的那天早上 any other preparation.
  • 被引导到术前实验室进行血液检查和其他必要的检查 by your surgeon or anesthesiologist.
  • 为了你的安全和健康,你一定要告诉我 the pre-op 护士 all of the medications you take at home. 为了 护士会给你列一个完整准确的药物清单, 我们要求您带一份药品名称和剂量的清单 (包括处方、维生素、补品、草药等) over-the counter medications.) If you are unable to make a list, bring your medications in their bottles. For your convenience, you will find a small bag in your “包” to carry your medications to the appointment.
  • 请在预约时携带以下物品:保险表格或 卡(s),高级医疗指示,你的清单(或瓶子)的所有 你的药物,可以联系的人的名字和电话号码 your condition on the day of surgery and your surgical 包.
  • 预约前,请填写您的 包. This will help facilitate a smooth and timely appointment. Be 一定要把这张表和你的包裹一起带到术前预约.

On the Day of Your Surgery

请您在预约时间到门诊外科前台签到 were given by your surgeon. This is the same area in which you attended the pre-op assessment appointment.

在去医院之前淋浴或洗澡是很重要的. Please remove all make-up including nail polish. Please leave all jewelry including wedding rings and body piercings at home.

Wear loose, comfortable clothing. If your surgery involves your shoulder 或者手臂,一件有纽扣的衬衫是最好的,(这适合手臂) 吊索.) Elastic pull-up pants and easy to slip on shoes are ideal.

带一个 hairbrush or comb and a case for your contacts or glasses. 联系人 and dentures will have to be removed before you go to surgery. 带一个 如果你愿意穿长袍
做一个住院病人. If your procedure requires the use of crutches please bring them with you when you arrive for surgery.

如果你没有参加术前预约,或者不能带你的 在预约时随身携带药物清单或药瓶; please bring them with you on the day of your surgery. 否则,离开 your medicines at home.

请不要携带现金、信用卡或其他贵重物品,如手表 或其他珠宝. 冰球突破平台 cannot be held responsible for the loss of these items.

Please limit visitors to two per patient. Children under age 12 should not be brought to the hospital for their own protection.

记住,如果你要做门诊手术,你必须安排 someone to drive you home. You will not be able to drive for at least 24 hours following surgery.

After you have signed in:

你会被护送到术前室,在那里你会变成一所医院 在你入住期间,会给你一个过敏和身份识别手镯. 您的衣服将被存放在一个服装袋里,并放在储物柜里 你的房间. Please remember to leave your valuables at home.

你的护士会量你的血压、脉搏和体温 完成外科医生或麻醉师吩咐的任何特殊准备. 静脉导管-一种进入静脉的小导管 在手术中给你液体和药物)会被插入 这一次.

然后你们会被护送到术前等候区,在那里见面 在你手术过程中陪伴你的手术室团队 术前护士,麻醉师,麻醉师护士和外科医生 护士. 这个团队是你所有病人的辩护律师,会保护你的隐私 and safety needs throughout your procedure. For your safety, they will ask you questions that you have most likely answered before. 你可能会觉得 这些问题是重复和累人的,但他们被要求确保 你的安全以及在此期间为你提供最好的照顾 you are in the hospital. Before you are taken to the operating suite, your surgeon will mark the spot on your body being operated on.

Information for Family and Friends

你的家人和朋友可能会在手术候诊室等着他们 可以由医院志愿者或宾客服务专家办理入住手续吗. 你的外科医生或手术室的人会通知他们 你的进步.


医院餐厅每周7天从早上7点到下午6点半开放 为了你的家人和朋友的舒适和方便,而他们 在等待. Full meal service for breakfast is from 7 - 9:30 am; lunch is from 11 am - 1:30 pm; and dinner is from 4:30 - 6:30 pm.

三明治,汤和小吃可以在一天之间服务 times in the vending machines located in the dining area. 餐厅 is located on the first floor of Alicia Tower.

冰球突破平台礼品店位于一楼大堂 floor of the main patient tower. It is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 星期六上午9时至下午5时,星期三及星期五上午9时至晚上8时. 礼品店由冰球突破平台附属医院经营,提供 a variety of toys, plants, jewelry, cards and sundries.

门诊药房位于一楼礼品店附近. It is open from 7:30 am - 5 pm Monday-Friday.

如果您有任何投诉或疑虑,请联系患者参与 学系 904-819-4789.

Visiting hours may vary based on 你的房间 location. 请与 your 护士 for more information.